Yoo announce its first hotel, Aqua Boracay

This is the latest in a string of new projects in Asia as Yoo builds its presence in the region, including; LOFT Niseko (Japan), Yoo Residence (Hong Kong), Mira Moon Hotel (Hong Kong) and Aqua Iguazu, (The Philippines).

John Hitchcox, co-founder of Yoo, comments: “Continued volatility across global markets is again pushing investors towards real estate. It’s why capital values have remained solid in the face of cooling measures imposed on property markets across Asia. Demand for luxury homes has grown and developers are bringing in brands in a bid to differentiate their product and offer buyers the X-factor many now seek.”

Hitchcox continues: “Asian buyers seek incredibly sophisticated designs and the ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality means that buyers demand homes that truly reflect their lifestyles and passions. It’s a market we are getting to know very well and we will be looking to take the Yoo brand into other new territories over the coming year.”

Yoo has more than 13 years experience leading the way in the residential market and has created over 10,000 homes worldwide. The mantra ‘original design enhances life’ permeates everything that Yoo do, and remains a driving force behind the property brand’s potency in the marketplace.

