Radical Innovation calls for 2018 entries

Radical Innovation, an annual competition that calls for innovative hospitality concept ideas, has announced the opening of its 2018 edition with a call for entries. Professionals and students alike are encouraged to submit their concepts online from 15 December – 1 April.

Having awarded over $150,000 since its founding in 2006, Radical Innovation 2017 saw a record five hospitality concepts recognised, with Living the Till, an eco-conscious treetop resort by EoA Inc, taking home the overall prize, and Brandan Siebrecht’s Hyperloop Hotel named the student winner.

Projects could also follow in the footsteps of 2015 winner Zoku, a work-live hybrid hotel that opened its first property in Amsterdam in 2016, with the entry demonstrating the desired feasibility of recognised projects. In addition to a clear and compelling brief, all entries should be accompanied by a professional quality presentation including design renderings illustrating how the concept could be achieved in the next 3-5 years. A panel of jurors leading the fields of hospitality, design, and investment, will then evaluate the entries based on their originality, creativity, design, and potential impact on the industry.

The jury includes: John Hardy, President & CEO, The John Hardy Group; Michael Medzigian, Chairman & Managing Partner, Watermark Capital Partners; Jena Thornton, LEED AP, Managing Director, Magnetic ERV; Simon Turner, Managing Director, Alpha Lodging Partners; James Woods, Head of WeLive, WeWork; Wing T. Chao, Founder, Wing T. Chao Global Advisors; and Claude Amar, Managing Director, The John Hardy Group International.

“We are in the business of rewarding creative thinkers who dare to dream big with a passion to anchor their ideas in the real world,” says Hardy. “We don’t simply want a brave idea, we want an achievable vision.”

Finalists will compete in a live event in New York City in autumn, where they will present their ideas. Audience members determine the grand-prize winner, who takes home a $10,000 prize, whilst the runner-up receives a $5,000 prize. All concepts will be judged on originality, creativity, design, feasibility, and quality of presentation. Following this, finalists will be shortlisted and the jury will mentor the concepts of their choosing.

The student winner – determined prior to the event by the jury – will earn a $1,500 prize and be offered a graduate assistantship in the Masters of Architecture program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. The total two-year value is estimated at over $50,000. The awarding of funds will be based on certain prerequisites that must be carried out by the potential recipient.

A new category is also being created, where colleges and universities are invited to compete in interdisciplinary teams, joining the minds of hospitality, business and design students.

The Radical Innovation Award is organised by leading development services firm The John Hardy Group with support from founding sponsor Global Allies, official partner Sleeper magazine and media partners Dezeen and Architizer.
