Piero Ambrogio Busnelli, founder of B&B Italia, passes away

The furnishing sector has lost a great interpreter in the history of Italian design, a pioneer who believed in it from the onset and furthered its success in the world with farsighted initiative.

Born in 1926, he grew up in Meda (Milan-Brianza), distinguishing himself from a young age for determination and courage to explore new avenues, especially in the professional framework. His experience as entrepreneur began in 1952 but Piero Ambrogio Busnelli’s dream of an “Industry For Design” came true in 1966, when he created C&B along with Cesare Cassina.

By introducing an extraordinary technology for the production of padded furnishings (cold polyurethane foam moulding) to the sector through his own initiative, and by partnering several widely renowned designers (Afra and Tobia Scarpa, Mario Bellini, Gaetano Pesce, Ludovico Magistretti, Marco Zanuso and many others), the company won a series of awards and recorded growing international success.

In 1973 the company’s conversion into B&B Italia marked a momentous change in the life of Piero Ambrogio Busnelli. His insight and entrepreneurial vision took shape and accelerated the company to carry out highly qualifying projects, both architectural (the headquarters were designed by R. Piano and R. Rogers) and in terms of product, with iconic items such as Sisamo, Sity, Domus, Charles and many more. These projects contributed to the history of Italian design, with the contribution of a new generation of designers (Antonio Citterio, Patricia Urquiola, Paolo Piva, Naoto Fukasawa, Jeffrey Bernett and several others).

From the onset, Piero Ambrogio Busnelli built his company by referring to a new industrial model, without ever being daunted by challenges. His innate dynamism and intuition led him to extend the innovation process and seek other domestic settings, finally also including offices, contract furnishings and cruise liners.

Four Compasso d’Oro Awards acknowledged a series of successful items: Le Bambole in 1972, Sisamo in 1984, Sity in 1987 and, finally, in 1989, the first Compasso d’Oro Award ever assigned to a company, and unquestionably the most appreciated, rewarded B&B Italia “for the constant work of integration carried out in order to combine the values of scientific and technological research with those necessary to the functionality and expressiveness of its products.”

Today the company is managed by the second generation of the family that has been guiding it for many years along the path of international growth.
