Programme announced for LDF

The London Design Festival has announced its programme of events, installations and exhibitions that will take place across London from 17-25 September.

The Festival will feature a line-up of Landmark Projects including ‘The Smile’ by Alison Brooks Architects, a cross–laminated hardwood structure using American tulipwood that can be inhabited and explored. Meanwhile, a second Landmark Project, by Shelter and Legal & General, seeks to address the housing crisis through an experiential installation designed by dRMM entitled Baboushka Boxes.

The Victoria and Albert Museum will provide the hub of the Festival. Projects will include innovative designs from duo Glithero, who will create a time-based installation with Panerai, and ‘Foil’ by Benjamin Hubert of Layer, an undulating metallic ribbon installation that will transform one of the V&A spaces with LED lights and pattern, inspired by Braun.

This year, the Festival welcomes British Land as Headline Partner for the first time. The company has a long history of working with leaders in architecture, art and design to enhance and enliven places and environments in tune with modern lifestyles.

British Land CEO, Chris Grigg, says: “Our vision is to create Places People Prefer and design forms an integral part of delivering buildings and environments that make a positive difference to people’s lives. Our partnership with the London Design Festival celebrates the world’s leading designers across different design disciplines. It’s a great partnership for us; at the heart of good design is the challenge to deliver the most impact and best outcome for the user whether it is an individual product, a single building or the wider environment.”

British Land and the London Design Festival will work together for the second time to host the prestigious awards evening, The British Land Celebration of Design. The 2016 awards for design will be chosen by an illustrious selection board of established designers and previous winners including: Dr Martin Roth, Director, V&A, Paul Thompson, Rector, Royal College of Art, and Justine Simons, Head of Culture, Mayor of London.

The 2016 Festival will feature four categories including: the Panerai London Design Medal, the Swarovski Emerging Talent Medal, the Design Innovation Medal, and the Lifetime achievement Medal.

Winners will be selected from a wide range of design disciplines, chosen for their exceptional contribution to their design field.

The Festival has also commissioned a number of leading design visionaries including Paul Cocksedge, Amanda Levete and the late Zaha Hadid to create their own souvenirs of London which will be available for purchase.

Sir John Sorrell, Chairman, London Design Festival comments: “Since the London Design Festival started in 2003 it has always welcomed the world to our great city but has also inspired over 100 other cities to produce their own annual design event. . . I am excited that this year’s Festival will run parallel with the inaugural London Design Biennale, which will bring 40 countries to London to present design installations at Somerset House, based on the theme Utopia by Design. The Biennale will overlap with our city wide Festival programme and the unique combination of these two events will offer a world wide window on design.”

Established in 2003, the London Design Festival is a citywide celebration that brings together a global community of designers, artists, architects, and retailers to activate projects responding to the transformative power of design.